
Safety Inspection

Price: $13.75

A motor vehicle registered in North Carolina must pass an annual safety inspection before its registered owner can renew its vehicle registration. They can be conducted no more than 90 days before the license plate and registration expires.

We Examine

Vehicles more than 30 years old are exempt from the annual safety inspection. 

Antique Vehicles
Vehicles 30 years old or older may qualify for an antique automobile license plate​. Those vehicles with an antique automobile license plate are exempt from both annual safety and emissions inspections. Antique plates should be used for vehicles primarily used for exhibitions, club activities, parades and other public interest events.​

Emissions Inspection

Price: $30.00

In conjunction with an annual safety inspection, motor vehicles registered in Mecklenburg county must undergo an on-board diagnostic emissions inspection as part of requirements to keep air quality standards in compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.


Vehicles are exempt from emissions inspections under the following conditions:

  • Some light-duty vehicles less than 3 years old or have fewer than 70,000 miles
  • ​Vehicle is 20 years old or older​​
  • Diesel-operated
  • Registered as a farm vehicle
Antique Vehicles
Vehicles 30 years old or older may qualify for an antique automobile license plate​​. Those vehicles with an antique automobile license plate are exempt from both annual safety and emissions inspections​. Antique plates should be used for vehicles primarily used for exhibitions, club activities, parades and other public interest events​.

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